Although mice are very tiny, they can be a big issue. If you have ever dealt with an infestation, you know how quickly they can multiply and the damage they are capable of. All it takes is them entering your home in search of food, water, and shelter. Shortly after, they have babies and then the situation can quickly turn to an infestation. Don’t be fooled by their furry appearance, a mouse infestation is far from cute. A mouse infestation can be damaging to your home and dangerous to you, your family, and your pets. It is important to be able to understand the signs, treat the problem, and prevent future infestations.
How Often Do Mice Reproduce?
Mice breed very quickly. They have a short gestation period, lasting only 19-21 days and the mother can reproduce again immediately after giving birth. Mice can give birth anywhere from 5 to 10 times a year. With litters having up to 14 pups, it is clear to see how quickly they can multiply. In the wild, mice are an important part of the food chain and provide many birds and other animals’ food. Because of this, they reproduce quickly and easily. Inside your home, the conditions are significantly safer, and they reproduce more and tend to have longer life spans.
Signs Of A Mice Infestation
Mice can easily multiple inside your home, but have the ability to “fly under the radar” for some time. By the time you are seeing mice themselves, there may already be an infestation. If you hear scratching noises, see signs of chewing, or smell anything out of the ordinary, it could be signs of mice. Mice are nocturnal, so while you are asleep is when they make their move. These rodents are known for home much they gnaw on things around the house. These marks for gnawing can often get confused for scratch marks. Other signs to look out for are droppings, urine pillars, and grease marks.
Why is a Mice Infestation Bad?
The way mice reproduce, it can seem exponential and overwhelming. But in addition to their large numbers, mice can pose threats to you and your home. Mice carry and spread diseases and can contaminate your food and living space. Additionally, mice can do a lot of damage to your home. Although it might sound dramatic to say a “mouse can burn your house down” – it wouldn’t be wrong. With their tendency to chew on everything in sight, this can include wires and even electrical wires. Mice have been known to chew through soft concrete, gas lines, wires, wood, drywall, rubber, plastic pipes, insulation, and aluminum.
What Can You Do About A Mice Infestation?
If you suspect that you have signs of mice in your home, it is important to have an expert inspect for rodents. Be careful to not vacuum or sweep the droppings of mice because it can release dangerous bacteria into the air. This can be inhaled and make you very sick as a result. There are many different ways of handling a mice infestation. Each different depending on what is safest and most effective for your home. At DriveBye Exterminators, it is important to us that we keep your home pest-free. Our experts are educated in all the options available and what works best to safely, effectively, and efficiently remove any unwelcome pest from your home.
For more information, call 727-787-2127 or contact us today.