Mice are persistent little creatures. They will find a way into your home no matter how well sealed it is. This includes entering through the walls or up from the cellar. Once they’re inside, getting rid of them can be tricky business. Mice are great at hiding—they’ll scurry away if you try to get close to them. Eventually, you may even discover that you have mice in walls. Now what?
Getting rid of mice in the walls isn’t as simple as plugging up holes and hoping they won’t find another way in again. You have to take steps to ensure that you don’t just drive them somewhere else in the house. The goal is to actually get rid of them for good. To help you with that, here are some tips on how to get rid of mice in walls from Drive-Bye Exterminators.
Signs that You Have Mice in Walls
Are you wondering if you have mice in walls? The first sign that you have mice in your walls is hearing sounds coming from inside your walls. Mice are nocturnal creatures, so chances are you won’t see them during the day. You’ll only notice them at night when they come out to get food and water.
You might not hear them every night, but they’ll be there enough that you’ll notice eventually. Another sign you have mice in walls is finding droppings in your home. They are about the size of a pea, and you’ll have to look closely to spot them. You might find them in clusters in areas such as kitchen cabinets or scattered about the room.
What should you do if you’re finding droppings and hearing noises in your walls? Take a look around for chewed up wires, especially around your electrical sockets. Mice love chewing on wires. They chew on wires because are looking for something to gnaw on to file their teeth down.
Now that you know the signs that you have mice in walls, how do you get rid of them? The following advice will help you drive the mice out of your walls for good.
Clean up your house (Mice love Clutter)
The first and most important thing to do when you have mice in the walls is to clean up your house. Mice love clutter, and they will nest in messy rooms and closets. If there are many hidden places for them to nest in, they will gladly take up residence in your home.
So if you want to get rid of them, you first have to clean up your house and make sure there are no extra places for them to nest in. Every nook and cranny needs de-cluttering. Meanwhile, any clutter that you can’t throw out, consider putting it into sealed containers so mice can’t get to it. This is especially the case for food.
Here are some additional helpful tips to clean up your house, all while getting rid of mice
- Declutter your living space by getting rid of things you don’t use or value.
- Recycle items you no longer need or use.
- Sell items you no longer need or use on sites like eBay or Craigslist.
- Donate items you no longer need or use to charity.
As you declutter your home, you’ll likely discover things that are no longer useful to you but could be helpful to others. For example, you may find a sweater you no longer wear, but someone else may be able to use it. You may find a book you no longer want, but someone else may find it interesting. If you have not used the item in 6 months or longer, consider getting rid of it. Setting rules for yourself will help you make decisions faster.
Now that you are on your way to clearing out clutter, here are some other ways to get rid of mice in walls:

Get Rid of Any Water Sources for Mice
That leaky pipe in your basement? Don’t overlook even the smallest sources of water in your home. Even a few drops of water can serve mice well.
Meanwhile, mice need water to survive, and they will go to great lengths to get it. They naturally gravitate towards water sources, be they plumbing leaks or other water sources like a dripping tap, a leaky roof, drain pipes or faucets. You can easily miss these water sources. If you do, mice will happily take advantage of them.
You’ll want to repair any leaks in your home. This includes leaks from your roof as well as dripping pipes. Sometimes you can remedy these issues by replacing a few missing roof shingles. You can also tighten bolts on your pipes. If this doesn’t do the trick, consider bringing in a professional. It’s worth the cost, especially considering that mice cost homeowners $20 billion per year in damages.
Set up Traps
Setting up traps is another great way to get rid of mice in your walls. However, it is not a quick process, and it requires a lot of patience. Be prepared to potentially wait a few weeks before you start to notice a difference. But with patience, you will get rid of the mice in your walls!
Here is how to go about setting up traps for mice. You should place traps all around your home, especially in areas where you have seen mice activity or droppings. You should also make sure the traps are in areas where people won’t accidentally set them off, like behind your furniture. You should check your traps regularly and reset them when you notice that they have been activated. Be patient, and eventually, you will catch a mouse if you use the right bait. Continue to reset your traps until you don’t see any more sign of mice.
Mice in Walls: Lure them Out
Luring mice out of your walls is a great way to get rid of them. It’s not a quick process, but it is a safe and effective way to get rid of mice in the walls. The idea is to lure them into a trap, such as a glue trap or a snap trap.
But how do you get mice in walls out into the open? The key lies in the type of bait that you select. Mice like fatty and sweet foods. The good news is that it doesn’t take much food to get their attention. You can use soft cheeses, wet cat food, or even peanut butter as bait. This will help lure them out, and then you wait potentially for mice to trip your traps.
Getting rid of mice in the walls is a difficult process. You have to be patient and diligent, and you have to make sure to use all of the methods at your disposal. If you only rely on one method, you won’t get rid of the mice in your walls. You have to use several different methods to ensure that you are successful. These methods are all very tedious, and it can be difficult to comb through your house to find the mice. If you have patience, you can get rid of the mice in your walls.
If time is of the essence and you are facing a mouse infestation, you might need to bring in a professional mice exterminator.
Get Professional Help
If you’ve tried all of these methods and you still see signs of mice in your walls, you should get professional help. While it’s possible to trap a couple mice on your own, a mice infestation is an entirely different ballgame.
There are several reasons why it’s important to get rid of mice in walls, including:
- Their droppings can cause allergies.
- They can spread diseases.
- They can chew on electrical wires, which can cause a fire.
- They can cause structural damage to your home.
- They can cause anxiety for people who are sensitive to mouse presence.
- They can cause eating problems in your pet.
- They can cause problems for people with allergies to pets.
Get help for mice infestations from Drive-Bye Exterminators. If you have mice in walls, or any other place in your home, we’re here to drive them out quickly and effectively. Contact us today to learn more.