Spiders can invoke very different reactions from different people. Some people may smack them to the side, others may resist that urge in fear that they might harm the small creature. Meanwhile, and most commonly, others are terrified and disgusted by their very presence. Wherever you might fall on the spectrum, you would probably agree that a sudden increase in spiders in your Florida is a cause for concern.
Although spiders are a common household pest, seeing more of them than usual could be pointing to another problem.
What is a Common House Spider?
Common house spiders are generally small in size, about the size of an apple seed or smaller. The color of these spiders can vary in color, ranging from gray to brown to yellow to off-white and featuring a variety of markings. Are they dangerous? Frankly, almost all spiders are venomous and house spiders are no exception. Spiders use their venom to kill their prey before they can eat it.
Although this sounds scary, house spiders are virtually harmless to humans. In most cases, a bite from a house spider will not cause any major reaction. There might be a lot of pain at the location of the bite and potentially some redness and swelling. The venom isn’t anything to be concerned about considering it has no real effect on a human because of the size of us in comparison to the spiders. Spiders are primarily seen as a scary nuisance.
However, it should be noted that an increase of spiders within the house can often point to the infestation of other pests. Spiders use these pests as a food source and so an increase of other household pests may lead to the spread of harmful bacteria or property damage.
How Can I Prevent Spiders?
Preventing spiders from getting inside is important. It is the first step to avoiding a full infestation. Here are a few steps you can take:
- Make your home difficult to get into: spiders are small so it is nearly impossible to seal every entry point. You can take steps to eliminate as many as possible. Seal any cracks, holes, or gaps in the siding, foundation, or walls.
- Trim any trees or shrubbery that touch your house and/or roof: Although they are not the direct cause of spiders, they can act as a bridge into your home.
- Remove existing spiders in your home with a vacuum: Be sure to vacuum the spider, the web, and their egg sacs. Change or empty the vacuum bag immediately. This is a convenient method for getting rid of one or two spiders. If there is a larger infestation, it is best to call in the experts.
- Consider another pest infestation: Having a lot of spiders in your home means they are finding a regular food supply. Spiders eat insects and a spider infestation often points to an insect infestation as well. DriveBye Exterminators can help identify the food source and eliminate any infestations in your home.
Do It Right The First Time
At DriveBye Exterminators we are determined to keep you and your family safe from any pests that make their way into your home. With a spider infestation, you want it done right the first time. Our experts know how to handle all sorts of infestations and can save you the time and money of trial and error. Give DriveBye Exterminators a call today to help with any unwanted pests in your home!