The Lovebug (Plecia nearctica) also known as the Honeymoon Fly or Double-Headed Bug can be found in many parts of Southeastern United States especially in Florida. If you’ve driven in Florida enough you’ve likely came across these bug along the highways in their semi-annual flights. Their flights are common in late spring and then in the late summer while lasting 4-5 weeks at a time. During the flight the Lovebugs mate while sticking to each other.
A female Lovebug can regularly lay 100-350 eggs. The eggs typically hatch in 2-4. When the Lovebug reach adulthood they are ready to copulating. The male Lovebug will remained paired up until the female is full fertilized (usually 2-3 days). The female Lovebug then deteches, lays the eggs, and then dies.
Image: By Judy Gallagher [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons