According to Pestworld.org, the official website of the National Pest Management Association, cockroaches have been found to carry over 33 types of bacteria and six species of parasites which can be extremely dangerous to humans. If an unknowing person consumes food contaminated by cockroaches, it can cause food poisoning, and/or gastroenteritis. Common symptoms include severe stomach cramps and tenderness, diarrhea, belly pain, nausea and vomiting.
American, Brownbanded, Oriental, and German are the most commonly found cockroaches. A cockroach is a six-legged creature with an oval-shaped, flat and low-lying body. It also has a long antenna, which makes it very easy to differentiate from other insects. Depends on the species, some are fast-moving with wings and some are not.
Can Trigger Asthma and Allergies
A cockroach allergy is a real medical condition. Sufferers of the condition have a reaction when the excrement and debris from decomposing cockroaches become airborne. This debris is then breathed in through the bronchial tubes. It can be extremely dangerous for anyone whose living space has been infested with cockroaches. There are also suspected links between high asthma rates and the presence of cockroaches in urban environments.
Cockroaches are proven or suspected carriers of the organisms that cause the following infections:
- Salmonellosis
- Typhoid Fever
- Cholera
- Gastroenteritis
- Dysentery
- Leprosy
- Plague
- Campylobacteriosis
- Listeriosis
- Giardia
Cockroaches can also trigger asthma and other allergies as well as spread E.coli, staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus.
Hatch Eggs
Cockroach eggs come in batches called oothecae, which looks a little pill-shaped. Some roach families extrude the egg case (ootheca) and deposit it in a safe place to hatch later. However, the most common indoor pest – German cockroach, will carry the egg case with it until it hatches.
They live in moist areas like sewers, pipes, drains and bathrooms. They pick up germs on the spines of their legs crawling across garbage, decaying matter and sewage. They transfer these germs onto foods and food surfaces.
Most of the cockroach pest species have specific activity rhythms. They tend to “sleep” (or inactive) during the day and start to become active at night to look for food, usually four hours after lights out. That is why we often see them running around during our midnight snack and bathroom runs. However, this does not apply to places with medium to heavy roach infestation, where there are too many of them and they have to come out at other times for food.
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
Some experts believe that the mortality rate for HPS is as high as 36-percent. It is primarily spread by inhaling dust contaminated with infected mouse droppings or urine. The disease can also be contracted through direct contact with the rodent or its droppings or urine. Symptoms include fever, nausea, headaches, body aches, abdominal pain, dry cough and vomitting.
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM)
Like HPS, this disease is also primarily contracted through inhalation of contaminated dust. Mice can carry the virus for their entire life without showing any symptoms while spreading it to humans and pets. The disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women as it can cause serious complications with the unborn baby. Symptoms include malaise, fever, photophobia, anorexia, headaches, nausea and vomiting. LCM also causes meningoencephalitis, aseptic meningitis and encephalitiRat Bite Fever: also known as Haverhill Fever is spread when scratched or bitten by an infected mouse or another rodent. The disease can also be contracted from handling an infected corpse. About 10-percent of rat bites lead to an infection although it is prudent to visit a doctor in case you are bitten or scratched by a mouse. Nearly all wild and domesticated mice carry the bacteria that cause rat bite fever (S. Moniliformis).
If there is any evidence of cockroaches in your home, contact an experienced exterminator?
Drive-Bye Exterminators offers home and commercial pest control services in Clearwater, Florida, and the surrounding areas. Family owned and operated for over 25 years, Drive-Bye Exterminators has state certified inspectors and exterminators provide roach, subterranean termite, dry wood termite, roaches, spider, ant and flea services to both commercial and residential clients. Whether a business owner needs help getting rid of a termite infestation, or a homeowner wants to rid their kitchen of ants, Drive-Bye Exterminators offers each client the same level of professionalism and excellence.
Request a FREE Pest Control or Termite Inspection today with the Professionals of Drive-Bye Exterminators. Contact Us Today at 727-787-2127.