Summertime is traditionally the time for outdoor pool parties and backyard entertaining with family and friends. But entertaining during the Florida hot months can be tricky with the invasion of certain insects that like to be part of the party.
Here is a list of some of the uninvited guests that might show up that try to ruin your festive event or quiet evening with friends and family and what to do with them:
Ants are just as interested in your water as they are your food. Ants will both drink water they come across and transport some back to the colony to nourish the queen. When ant-proofing your home, don’t just secure your food items — make sure the surfaces in your home, sinks included, are kept dry. The biggest concern with ant infestations within your home is the potential for disease. Ants are constantly moving back and forth, indoors and back out, picking up germs along the way. This means that bacteria living on the ground or in your pipes can surface and spread if ants cross your food.
They can sometimes indirectly compromise your health and safety. Since ants crawl around in many spaces, they can pick up various types of germs including E. coli and deposit them on your food. Consumption of this food will definitely lead to health problems including gastroenteritis. The most important part of ant extermination is successfully identifying which ant species has invaded the home or business. Some ants feed on food, some are attracted to wood, and some actually cause painful bites. It is important to call in a professional to identify them and develop a specific plan that helps you get rid of them and to provide future prevention treatments to keep them away. Creating a defense system is one of the best ways to control and kill ants and keep them away.
Bees and Wasps
Since their sting is typically the most painful of all the insects, bees and wasps are among the most feared intruders into Tampa Florida homes. Try an Herbal Bee Repellent out of lemongrass, peppermint oil, and citronella. Most herbal bee repellents are safe for use on children and pets. These should ideally be applied to collars, hair, wrists, and sock tops.
According to Pestworld.org, the official website of the National Pest Management Association, cockroaches have been found to carry over 33 types of bacteria and six species of parasite which can be extremely dangerous to humans If an unknowing person consumes food contaminated by cockroaches, it can cause food poisoning, and/or gastroenteritis. Common symptoms include belly pain, severe stomach cramps and tenderness, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. They live in moist areas like sewers, pipes, drains and bathrooms. They pick up germs on the spines of their legs crawling across garbage, decaying matter and sewage. They transfer these germs onto foods and food surfaces so obviously it is important to keep your surfaces clean especially before your guests show up.
Flies are definitely a nuisance, but common flies can also present a health danger if they have contact with the food that you end up eating. Typically, spiders help keep the fly population down by catching them in their webs. Flies do not like the fragrance of certain aromatic herbs, such as elder, basil, lavender, tansy, wormwood, rue, and mint. You could plant these herbs in a pot near your doorways and in your backyard to keep flies away or invest in some citronella candles.
Midges (no-seeums)
The biting midge is a tiny insect. They are so small that you can’t see them which is why they have the nickname ‘no-seeums. They are a nuisance to people outdoors who might spend time near shorelines or wetland areas when winds are calm. They leave small red welts where they bite. Linalool candles will help keep biting pests like no-seeums, mosquitoes and gnats away from people sitting outside in the yard. Made with essential plant oils, these candles will effectively “block” you from biting pests like no-seeums.
The mosquito is probably one of the biggest insect problems that people complain about. They can carry illness, and cause uncomfortable bites.
Mosquitoes are most active at dusk and dawn, so if planning a barbecue before sunset, be sure to have plenty of insect repellent containing an EPA-registered active ingredient like DEET or Picaridin available for you and your guests. Or, schedule a pest company visit prior to your event.
Spiders, while they serve to keep some other parts of the insect population under control, are not something people want roaming around their pool or porch. Their bites, depending on the spider, can make you extremely sick or even cause death. Prevention is the best advice to eliminate spiders. Get a free consultation from a pest control company to discuss your issues.
Here are some simple things you can do:
- Keep your porch lights off. Lights attract bugs.
- Repel outdoor spiders with eucalyptus sprigs. Strong smelling sprigs sprinkled around the perimeter will chase them away.
- Use lavender, citronella, cinnamon, citrus, peppermint or tea tree oil. Only one drop of any of these useful herbs mixed with water will be effective for killing spiders.
Conditions that attract bugs
Some of the conditions that attract bugs to your home and property are: heat, moisture from the rainy season, standing water, humidity, trash sitting out, dirty recyclables, overripe fruit, clogged gutters, bushes close to the house, unkept yards, dirty grills, pet food, pet waste, white lighting, torn screens and cracks.
The most important item is to remember to have a fantastic time!
Let us help you with your insect problem. Click here to schedule an inspection or for faster service, call us at 727-787-2127.
Drive-Bye Exterminators offers home and commercial pest control services in Clearwater, Florida, and the surrounding areas. Family owned and operated for over 25 years, Drive-Bye Exterminators has state certified inspectors and exterminators provide roach, subterranean termite, dry wood termite, roaches, spider, ant and flea services to both commercial and residential clients. Whether a business owner needs help getting rid of a termite infestation, or a homeowner wants to rid their kitchen of ants, Drive-Bye Exterminators offers each client the same level of professionalism and excellence.
Request a FREE Pest Control or Termite Inspection today with the Professionals of Drive-Bye Exterminators. Contact Us Today at 727-787-2127.