As temperatures take a slight tumble here in the Sunshine State, you might recognize that spiders are becoming more common in and around your home. This is not a coincidence, as cool weather sends spiders scurrying for cover, where they find refuge in the comfort of your home. Like most homeowners, you likely want fast and effective ways to get rid of spiders this season.
Are you searching for a way to get rid of spiders? We can assure you that your search ends here, here at Drive-Bye Exterminators, we have plenty of experience in terms of getting rid of spiders of all varieties. If you are attempting to get rid of spiders without luck, we will show you how to do this and the best course of action to consider when you can’t get rid of spiders.
What are the Types of Spiders Found in Florida?
Unfortunately, Florida is full of different varieties of spiders. This isn’t great news if you are afraid of spiders. However, it is a good thing in terms of insect regulation, since spiders will eat a variety of pest insects.
The spiders that you will find in Florida include but are not limited to:
- Black widow spiders
- Brown recluse spiders, although these are rare. There are several species of spiders that appear like brown recluse spiders, but they actually are not the same thing.
- Cellar spiders, which are gray spiders with very long, thin legs. You will find them and damp basements, crawl spaces and garages. They are often confused with daddy long legs and harvestman.
- Orb weave spiders, which are the most prevalent during the summertime. They build large, orb shaped webs hence their name. They can construct webs as large as 6 ft in diameter.
- Common house spider, which are typically gray, dark brown, and have dark stripes on the head. You will find them and gardens, backyards, homes, attics, and sheds. This is the most common spider in North America and they can live up to 7 years. You can recognize a common house spider’s web by the sticky, silky thread that forms into crisscross patterns.
Many people wonder if Florida spiders are venomous. First, understand that spider bites are quite rare. There are many instances where people believe they have a spider bite and it turns out that it is something else.
However, the black widow and brown recluse are two venomous spiders in Florida. Three of these species are native to Florida while the fourth species was introduced.
There are a variety of spiders that bite, but a lot of them, such as the banana spider, are timid. It may hurt when they bite you, but it’s not venomous or dangerous.
Now that you are aware of some of the most common spiders that you will find in Florida, let’s talk about how to get inside your home. We will then show you how to get rid of spiders, and prevent infestations from occurring.
How do Spiders Get Inside my Home?
It’s important that we recognize spiders as crafty creatures. They can sneak inside your home by way of many cracks and crevices. Many entry points made go completely undetected to the untrained eye.
So, how do spiders get into your home in the first place? Consider some of these most common points of entry: cracks in the foundation of your home, pipes that lead inside the home, small gaps around pipes, plumbing, tears in window screens, and more.
It’s important to ensure that these areas of entry are fully blocked. This is the best way to get rid of spiders since you are preventing them from entering your home in the first place.
Do Old Wives’ Tales Work to Get Rid of Spiders?
Spiders are a part of life, and they will find a way into your home at some point. When you find yourself dealing with spiders in your home, you’ll want to take action sooner than later. But how do you get rid of spiders?
The first step is to understand that there are effective and ineffective ways in terms of getting rid of spiders. Some examples of ineffective ways to get rid of spiders include old wives’ tales.
For example, one myth of how to get rid of spiders involves using walnuts and chestnuts. This is an old wives’ tale about putting walnut shells in the corners of your home to get rid of spiders. Unfortunately, this is not true and it is ineffective at getting rid of spiders. This myth was debunked by the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture.
Osage oranges are another popular old wives’ tale on how to get rid of spiders in your house. The belief is that Osage oranges are natural spider repellents and placing them in your home will keep spiders at bay. Unfortunately, this is another common myth that was also debunked by the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture.
Since walnuts, chestnuts, and Osage oranges don’t work in defending against spiders, what is the best course of action to take?
How to Get Rid of Spiders
Now let’s get to the good part: how to get rid of spiders in your house. You essentially have two options: DIY and hiring a professional.
There are several DIY options that you can take including:
Get Rid of Clutter Around Your Home
If you suspect that you have a spider problem, the first step to take is to get cleaning. Removing clutter from your home gives spiders less space to hide. This includes areas such as the garage or even spare bedrooms that you don’t use often. Anywhere that clutter is accumulating, you’ll need to step in and get to work.

Grab Your Vacuum
Can vacuuming your home help with spider control? Yes, to an extent. Whether the spider will survive depends on the species. Spiders with soft exoskeletons will likely die during vacuuming while other larger spiders have a chance of survival.
You can also use the vacuum to suck up cobwebs as well.
Try Spider Traps
If you need a quick fix to get rid of spiders, you can try spider traps. If you only have a random spider or two in your home, spider traps may not be the best approach. But do spider traps really work?
They can, but just like vacuuming to kill spiders, your mileage may vary. You’ll want to steer clear of spider traps that you see on late night infomercials. These are typically ineffective and a waste of your time and money.
Believe it or not, the best kind of spider traps to use are the same kind you’ll need for mice and cockroaches. Look for flat sheets that use a glue base to trap spiders.
Where to Place Spider Traps
If you decide to try out spider traps, you’ll want to be strategic about location. You’ll want to place the traps in areas such as behind furniture. You can also place them along baseboards, garages, and inside crawl spaces.
Be sure that you keep the spider traps away from pets and small children. Please select spider traps with non-toxic glue to be on the safe side.
How many spider traps should you set in your home? There is no magic number, but it’s best that you set at least a dozen or more. If you’re dealing with an infestation, over time you will detect spider hotspots with the traps. This will help you effectively learn where the spiders are hiding out or even entering the home.
Do Spider Traps Really Work?
You can find some success with store bought spider traps. Again, you must consider the species. For example, the female brown recluse spider will hide more than the male spiders. This may result in trapping many male spiders but the females continue to hide and lay eggs, which doesn’t eliminate the infestation.
Getting out the Big Guns with Spider Exterminators
It’s easy to get in over your head with a spider infestation. Since spiders are great at hiding, you may not realize how many spiders you have until your efforts do not yield the desired results.
What do you do if spider traps and other DIY efforts don’t work? Hiring a professional spider exterminator is the best course of action. At Drive-Bye Exterminators, we ensure that your home remains free of spider infestations, even when your best attempts at removal are not effective.
Are you dealing with a spider infestation? We’re happy to take a look and help. The sooner that you address the infestation problem, the faster you can live in a spider-free, healthy home. Please contact us now to get started.