Summertime seems to bring out the most bugs especially in Tampa Bay Florida. University of Florida EDIS states that “Florida has at least 12,500 insect species”. Some of the conditions that attract bugs to your home, business and property are: heat, moisture from the rainy season, standing water, humidity, trash sitting out, dirty recyclables, overripe fruit, clogged gutters, bushes close to the house, unkept yards, dirty grills, pet food, pet waste, white lighting, torn screens and cracks.
Here are some of the more common bugs that you might find in our area:
Palmetto Bug
This large cockroach grows to a length of 1.2–1.6 inches. It is found mostly outdoors, where it eats detritus and leaf-litter, but occasionally will sneak into houses.
The mosquito is probably one of the biggest insect problems that people complain about. They can carry illness, and cause uncomfortable bites.
Midges (no-seeums)
The biting midge is a tiny insect. They are so small that you can’t see them which is why they have the nickname ‘no-seeum’s. They are a nuisance to people outdoors who might spend time near shorelines or wetland areas when winds are calm. They leave small red welts where they bite.
Red Fire Ant
Fire ant mounds can be found in back yards all over Florida. Fire ants give a painful sting that often leaves a swollen pustule on the skin. The fire ant is native to South America, but has become a pest in the southern United States.
Florida Carpenter Ant
This ant is among the largest ants found in Florida. They do not sting, but can bite. They nest in soft rotting or pithy wood.
Formosan Termite
An invasive species from Asia, which arrived in Florida around 1980. It is often nicknamed the ‘super-termite’ because of its destructive habits. These termites can seriously damage a wooden structure in as little as 3 months.
Spiders, while they serve to keep some other parts of the insect population under control, are not something people want roaming around their pool or porch. Their bites, depending on the spider, can make you extremely sick or even cause death.
Flies are definitely a nuisance, but common flies can also present a health danger if they have contact with the food that you end up eating. Typically, spiders help keep the fly population down by catching them in their webs.
Bees and Wasps
Since their sting is typically the most painful of all the insects, bees and wasps are among the most feared intruders into Tampa Florida homes.
Lovebugs swarm to mate in late spring and during the summer. Males and females will pair and remain stuck together during mating. Automobiles driving through a swarm of lovebugs will emerge covered with smashed bugs, and if not washed off soon, the insect residue can damage the paint on a car.
The cicada prefers to eat the sap of oak trees. It is the first species to be heard in spring–its song starts with a sequence of progressively softer whiney bursts and ends with an even whine.
Southern Black Widow
This venomous spider is found throughout the southeastern United States. It likes to inhabit wood and rock piles, rodent burrows, and hollow tree stumps.
Gulf Coast Tick
The Gulf Coast tick is common throughout the southern United States, including all of Florida. It is of increasing concern because of its ability to transmit several pathogens of veterinary and medical importance.
Let us help you with your bug problem. Click here to schedule an inspection or for faster service, call us at 727-787-2127.
Drive-Bye Exterminators offers home and commercial pest control services in Clearwater, Florida, and the surrounding areas. Family owned and operated for over 25 years, Drive-Bye Exterminators has state certified inspectors and exterminators provide roach, subterranean termite, dry wood termite, roaches, spider, ant and flea services to both commercial and residential clients. Whether a business owner needs help getting rid of a termite infestation, or a homeowner wants to rid their kitchen of ants, Drive-Bye Exterminators offers each client the same level of professionalism and excellence.
Request a FREE Pest Control or Termite Inspection today with the Professionals of Drive-Bye Exterminators. Contact Us Today at 727-787-2127.