The idea of pests in our pantries, where we keep food, is hard for many people, and weevils are no stranger. Weevils infestations can manifest both inside and outside of the house. You may recognize these small pests from inside your flour or rice. This infestation can start outside of the house in your yard and make its way inside. Commonly, these pesky pests find their way into your pantry through means of packages foods and bulk products. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to see weevil eggs with the naked eye and so it is hard for individuals to know when they have purchase contaminated foods.
In this blog, we will go over how you can identify, treat, and prevent a weevil infestation in your home.
What are Weevils?
Weevils are a part of the beetle family and can range in shape, size, and color. They are usually either brown or black in color. They are often recognized by the shape of their head. Similarly to other beetles, weevils have a broad, hard body. However, their head is elongated and forms into a snout with a mouth on the end. For some weevils, this snout can be as long as their body. These pests can damage different areas in your home. Weevils will infest your dry food products in your pantry, kill the plants in your garden, or even cause structural damage to your home. The damage weevils cause can be very expensive and upsetting to homeowners. You can see signs of a weevil infestation early as these bugs will gather in large groups near openings in windows and walls of a home. Weevils are attracted to grains, rice, flour, corn, and other dry goods. They can be seen eating the food and laying their eggs.
How Can You Prevent Weevils?
It is always important to regularly inspect your home, both inside and outside, for openings where they may enter your home. Any areas where the weather stripping is worn away or caulking is missing is an inviting entrance for weevils into your space. Store your grain and dry food products in sealed, airtight containers. Regularly wipe down shelves in your pantry and countertops. Additionally, it has been said that keeping small bags of black pepper around your pantry can help to repel weevils.
What To Do If You Have A Weevil Infestation
Most often the infestation is found in the pantry. The first thing that you need to do is identify where it is coming from. Once you identify what food product is the root of the infestation, discard it, and any other products that have been affected. It is important to discard these products outside of the house so they do not reinfest the pantry. Carefully inspect products from the store before purchasing to avoid any contamination. Any products that have signs of damage or holes should be avoided. At DriveBye Exterminators, we can help you identify and properly treat for weevils. Additionally, if there are any weevils in your pantry and shelves, you can easily remove them using a vacuum cleaner. Just like the food products, be sure to dispose of the contents of the vacuum away from your home to avoid another reinfestation.
Speak to an Expert Today
DriveBye Exterminator’s experts work with you to keep your home pest-free. Regularly scheduled maintenance and inspections can avoid serious infestations and other expensive pest-related issues. Your pantry is where you store the food you and your family eat. Don’t share that with bugs, especially not weevils. We are here to answer any questions you have about pests and what you can do to remove and prevent them.
For more information call 727-787-2127 or contact us today.