The idea of a swarm of any kind is something from a horror film. When the seasons change, it can bring an influx of bugs, causing a swarm. Particularly flying ants and termites. These swarms can be in the thousands and cause problems in and around your home. Florida carpenter ants are one of the most common indoor pests. Winged females are often found around the homes in places like window ledges and near sliding glass doors. They can be a startling sight for anyone. It is easy to confuse them with other pests, like termites so proper pest identification is important.
Pest identification is key in cases where pests can get confused for one another. Carpenter ants have four wings. The wings in the front are larger than the ones in the back. They have elbowed antennae and segmented bodies with thin waists. They can be either red or black in color and their wings are light brown. Carpenter ants tend to choose areas that have a lot of moisture problems. This can include attics, ceiling, carpets, flooring, windows, trees, doors, shrubs, woodpiles, gutters, vents, trashcans, sheds, doghouses, plumbing, electrical, and other utility entries. These ants are nocturnal and spend their night foraging for food. Just like other ants, carpenter ants have the ability to reproduce quickly. If you see them swarming, there is a good chance there is an established colony in your walls. While the damage isn’t as severe as termites, early treatment is crucial.
To be able to prevent carpenter ants, it is important to know what attracts them. Red and black carpenter ants eat a variety of food. It can include dead and living plants and insects. Carpenter ants have a sweet tooth as well. They enjoy honeydew melon, meats, sugary food, soda, and nectar from plants. When they forage in your home it can be for food, moisture, and new nesting sites. Steps you can take to prevent carpenter ants are:
- Correct moisture problems, roof leaks, and plumbing leaks.
- Trim tree limbs or branches near your home.
- Seal off any cracks and opening that may provide an entryway for the ants. Places to look for are openings in the foundation, entry points for utility pipes, and wires.
- Keep any piles of wood (i.e firewood) or tree trimmings away from your home. These make good nesting locations for carpenter ants.
After identifying what pest is in your home, it is important to treat it:
Step 1: Contact a professional pest control company. They can be sure to identify whether or not it is carpenter ants or termites. They can provide a treatment plan that works for you and more steps for future prevention.
Step 2: Though it might be tempting, do not spray the swarms of insects with insecticide yourself. This can be dangerous to you, your family, and your pet’s health. Inspect the entire interior and exterior of your home. Make marks of where the ants are getting into your home.
Step 3: Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any pests that are in your home. Don’t tear away any woodwork, trim, baseboards, or floorboards in your home. You can inspect them for pest dama by pressing your thumb against and feeling for any defects.
Step 4: Keep your windows and door sealed closed as often as possible during the swarm season. This will help to prevent them from entering and nesting.
Speak to an Expert Today
If you are experiencing swarms in your home, call DriveBye Exterminators. We are here to help and eliminate any pest issues you have in a safe and efficient way. If you are unsure of the what pest it may be, our expert offers proper pest identification. From there we will be able to create a plan that works for you and handles your pest problem.
For more information call 727-787-2127 or contact us today.