Before the internet, most of our information was passed down through the decades. Whether it was true or not, this information became common knowledge for homeowners. While some of this information is important, some of it is entirely based on myth. Unfortunately, for some people, they do not find out this information is a myth until it is too late, and they are finding out first hand.
Especially in the realm of pest control, false information has been floating around for decades. We believe it is important to keep people properly informed and protected. Especially when some of the pests surrounded by myth can pose a serious health risk or danger to you and your family. Below are only a few of the most common myths surrounding pest control.
Myth #1: My cat will keep my property free of rodents.
Our four-legged feline friends might love hunting pests around your property, but the reality is that a single cat is no match for a true rodent infestation. Your cat may have a reputation for scaring off a good amount of rodents or even occasionally dropping a dead one off on the doorstep. However, with rodent infestations, it is truly a numbers game. If you see one rodent, there are likely many more you don’t see.
Myth #2: Bug zappers will solve my mosquito problems.
While the sound of a bug being zapped might be reassuring, oftentimes those zaps aren’t even mosquitoes. Bug zappers are designed to attract and kill bugs using a bright light. Unfortunately, mosquitoes aren’t as attracted to bright light as they are attracted to you. In addition to zappers, there are ultrasonic devices that are advertised to repel bugs as well. However, Ultrasonic devices that use high-frequency sound waves are not effective in repelling pests. (patch.com)
Myth #3: Bees can only sting once.
People who have learned this myth the hard-way are not afraid to set you straight. The common myth surrounding insects that sting, is the concept that they can only sting once. This is only true for honeybees. Other stinging insects, like wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets can sting and bite you repeatedly. Additionally, this can be especially deadly for people with an allergy. Even just one sting can send them into anaphylactic shock. Identifying a nest and removing these insects can be dangerous. It is important to call out the professionals to take care of it.
Myth #4: I can’t get bed bugs because I keep my home clean.
While cleanliness is helpful in preventing and reducing most pest infestations, some pests simply don’t care. Bed bugs, termites, and carpenter ants do not care about the cleanliness of your home. These pests are looking for food and shelter sources. While this pest control myth may not be true, it is still important to keep your home clean to prevent pests like cockroaches and rodents. This is a particularly harmful myth as it can prevent people affected by bed bugs from getting help right away – and the perceived stigma of a bed bug infestation can add to the common psychological impact bed bugs cause. (prontopest.net)
Myth #6: I only need pest control if there is a problem.
Just like most things in life, it is better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Preventative pest control is crucial in keeping your home infestation free and preventing serious problems that may arise if not treated early. At DriveBye Exterminators, we can regularly treat and inspect your home for common pests. In addition to that, we can point out any areas that may be susceptible to infestations. Preventative maintenance on a regular basis is significantly cheaper than the treatment for a severe infestation. If you are waiting until you recognize a pest problem to start pest control, you are waiting until it’s too late. Some pests can be more than a nuisance and may pose expensive damage to your property and dangerous risks to your health.
For more information call 727-787-2127 or contact us today.