Creepy, crawly spiders. They’re everywhere this time of year: lurking in the bushes and maybe even scuttling up the walls of your home. But do you know why so many people are afraid of these eight-legged creatures? It’s not just because their creepy appearance or lightning speed makes them seem like sinister predators. If you love arachnids (or are planning to dress up as one for Halloween) here are some creepy facts about spiders that might surprise you.
Black Widow Spiders are Cannibals
Black widow spiders are notorious for eating their mates. In fact, this is how the black widow spider gets its name.
The truth is that the female black widow will eat the male while mating. Oddly enough, the male black widow doesn’t seem to mind. Male black widows will actively leap into the fangs of females after the mating process is done.
While some males manage to escape, other times the female will catch the male and eat him anyway. These facts about spiders, especially the black widow, will easily give anyone the creeps.
What do you do if you find a Black widow spider in your home? Black widows are venomous, so approach with caution. If you have small children or pets in your home, try to keep an eye out for these spiders. The best course of action is to contact a pest control company like Drive-Bye Exterminators. We can help you remove the black widow and determine if you have a potential infestation.
Spiders Can Lay Up to 3,000 Eggs at One Time
Spiders reproduce by laying eggs, and they can lay lots of eggs at once. In fact, one species of tarantula can lay up to 3,000 eggs at once! Female spiders may even eat some of the eggs or live babies, such as the tarantula and the black widow.
Some species of spiders even allow their young to eat them alive. This is specifically true for Stegodyphus dumicola, which is a spider that’s native to Africa.
Phoneutria is the Most Poisonous Spider to Humans
Phoneutria is a large, hairy South American spider that is among the most venomous species in the world. If a Phoneutria spider bites a human, it will deliver a powerful neurotoxin that can cause seizures, vomiting, and muscle weakness.
When Phoneutria bite is untreated, it can lead to death from respiratory failure. Fortunately, spider bites are rare and it’s even rarer to encounter a Phoneutria spider. Most spider bites cause minimal, if any, pain. However, the Phoneutria bite in particular is very painful.
What Other Spiders are poisonous to humans?
There are many different types of spiders around the world, but only a few species are actually dangerous to humans. In the United States, there are two types of spiders that are considered to be medically significant: the black widow and the brown recluse.
Around the world, there are many more spiders that are dangerous to humans. But many of these can be avoided by knowing what they look like. Luckily, the brown recluse is quite rare to find in Florida.
What to do if a Spider Bites You
First and foremost, do not panic. Although most spiders are venomous and can cause harm, very few are actually life-threatening.
If you have been bitten by a spider, you should clean the area with soap and water as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. In the event that you experience symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (swelling of the mouth and throat, difficulty breathing), seek medical attention immediately.
Spiders are on Every Continent Except Antarctica
Though they are most common in tropical regions, spiders occur on all seven continents. The only continent that is free of spiders is Antarctica. If you are deathly afraid of spiders and want to never see another one in your home, a move to Antarctica might be in order. Only kidding, of course!
There are approximately 45,000 species of spiders, and they can be found in every habitat, including hot deserts. You’ll find them in trees, plains, forests, and even in your home. Spiders can survive in a range of temperatures, but Antarctica proves to be a touch too frigid.
Wolf Spiders Can Run 2 Feet Per Second
Looking for more creepy facts about spiders? Wolf spiders are fast runners. These eight-legged creatures can run up to 2 feet per second. If you see one in your home, you might want to consider getting professional help to remove it.
Wolf spiders live in warm climates and are frequently found in barns and in other agricultural buildings. These spiders are common throughout the United States, most notably in the Southern states.
When they bite, they leave two fang marks, which is not typical of the bites you’d receive from other house spiders. Wolf spider bites can cause itchiness, swelling, and pain. If you think you’ve been bitten by a wolf spider, consider visiting a doctor.

Facts About Spiders: They Aren’t Always Bad to Have Around
Spiders are often misunderstood because most people are afraid of things they don’t understand. But spiders are an essential part of our ecosystem, and they’re helpful to humans in many ways.
Furthermore, spiders eat lots of harmful insects, including mosquitoes. Having them around can be a good thing. Despite their creepy appearance, spiders are fascinating creatures that have many interesting traits. They are found on every continent and run at lightning-fast speeds. Some species even eat their mates!
Spiders are beneficial to humans. This is especially true when it comes to eating disease-spreading insects like mosquitoes.
Get Help with Spider Infestations
If you have a spider infestation in your home, you don’t have to live with it.
When you find a spider in your home, try to identify it. If you can’t, then it’s best to call an exterminator. In some cases, you may want to call a professional exterminator even if you know the species of spider. If there are large numbers of spiders in your home, it might be an indication of a bigger problem.
Signs that You Have Spiders in Your Home this Halloween
The most obvious sign of a spider infestation is the presence of webs. The webs can be found on ceiling corners, under cabinets and in other out-of-the-way places. In addition to webs, you may also see droppings, egg sacs or empty egg cases. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take action!
The most common ways to get spiders inside your house are:
- Through the door or window, where they can hide in cracks
- From ventilation systems
- Hitching a ride on clothing or shoes that you bring into the house.
- They could also be hitchhiking on plants, animals or people.
It is important to keep all potential entry points in good repair. If you have a screen door, check it regularly for holes and gaps, and repair them as necessary. Make sure doors are closed and latched, and check under the floor around windowsills and near baseboards for signs of arachnids.
We hope these facts about spiders give you more insight into their world. If you see spiders inside your home, call Drive-Bye Exterminators for help.