More Pest ID
- American Cockroach
- American Dog Tick
- Argentine Ants
- Asian Roach
- Bed Bugs
- Big Headed Ant
- Black Legged Tick
- Black Widow Spider
- Brown Banded Roach
- Brown Dog Tick
- Brown Widow Spider
- Cellar Spider
- Crazy Ant
- Dry Wood Termites
- Elongated Twig Ant
- Fire Ants
- Florida Carpenter Ants
- Florida Woods Roach
- Formosan Termites
- German Roach
- Ghost Ants
- Jumping Spider
- Little Yellow Ant
- Lone Star Tick
- Oriental Roach
- Pavement Ants
- Pharaoh Ants
- Pyramid Ants
- Rover Ant
- Smokybrown Roach
- Subterranean Termites
- Thief Ant
- White-Footed Ant
- Wolf Spider
- Yellow Sac Spider
Getting to Know Acrobat Ants
There are over 12,000 species globally, which makes identifying the various types of ants challenging. However, it is essential to know which types of ants are invading your property so that you can assess the danger of the infestation. And that is precisely why Drive-Bye Exterminators feels it is essential to educate our clients on the various pests that can creep into your home. Join Drive-Bye Exterminators on a journey to identify Acrobat ants and the damage they can create for homeowners.
Acrobat ants go by a few different names, like the Cocktail ant and the Valentine ant. These ants do have the ability to bite or sting, but they rarely would. In general, these ants are not a threat to people. That said, they will hollow out wood, contaminate food sources, and give off a foul odor when crushed.
They are small to medium-sized ants and are very shiny. They may come in light red, brown, or black. And their abdomen or gaster looks like the shape of a heart, which is where they get the nickname Valentine ant. When this ant is threatened, it will raise the gaster up over its thorax, give off a foul odor, and occasionally bite.
Acrobat ants are 1/16 to 1/8 inch in length, have six legs, two antennae, and three-segmented bodies.
Acrobat ants are arboreal or outdoor ants living primarily in the trees. They prefer damaged wood or wood that has been hollowed out by other insects. Fortunately, they do not damage the trees they live in.
Of course, wood and leaves attract these tiny ants. Therefore, they can access your home through firewood, construction materials, plants against walls, and leaf piles.
If acrobat ants get into the house, they will climb the walls and behave just as they would if they were in a tree.
All-out war begins if an acrobat ant chooses a tree already infested with termites. Acrobat ants will attack the termites to take their tree over. Wasps in trees don’t usually fare well either since these ants eat wasps and termites too.
Additionally, acrobat ants eat the honeydew produced by aphids, dead bugs, aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects. In your home, they will eat the sweets on your kitchen counter.

Preventing Acrobat Ants From Coming Inside
Do you think you have acrobat ants in your house? Look for small holes in moisture-damaged areas. If there is a pile of sawdust under the holes, you may have either acrobat or carpenter ants.
Suppose you suspect an acrobat ant invasion inside your home. In that case, it is essential to call a professional exterminator to deal with the infestation.
Getting rid of ants outside is a real challenge. But keeping them out can be pretty straightforward. Don’t let the acrobat ants think your house is a nesting spot. Use the following tips to keep your home from harboring these pests.
- Keep gutters free of build-up and debris, and point spouts away from the home’s foundation.
- Repair leaky spigots and fixtures right away to keep excess water from building up.
- Clean all rubbish, debris, and overgrowth from the yard. If there are fallen trees or rotting leaves, be sure to rake them up to keep the ants from moving in.
- Trim the landscaping and trees away from the home so they do not touch the walls or foundation.
- Never bring firewood in for the colder nights until you have inspected it for ant activity.
- Seal the cracks of your home’s doors and windows and replace old weather stripping.
Inside the home, you will want to keep crumbs and sticky sweet substances off the kitchen counters and floors. And try not to leave the dishes to the morning.
Acrobat Ants – Eliminated
Slow-acting ant bait is the best way to get rid of acrobat ants. Your exterminator has the best products available, so the job is best left to them. However, if you want to try on your own, here are a few things you can try.
- Mix dish soap and water and pour on the nest.
- Spray areas they forage with vinegar and water.
- Dried mint leaves are a deterrent for determined ants.
Drive-Bye Exterminators offers home and commercial pest control services in Pinellas County, Florida, and the surrounding areas.
Family-owned and operated for over 25 years, Drive-Bye Exterminators has state-certified inspectors and exterminators. And we provide acrobat ant extermination services to commercial and residential clients.
Drive-Bye Exterminators services each client’s home with the same level of attention, professionalism, and excellence.
Request a FREE Acrobat Ant, Pest Control, or Termite Inspection today with the professionals of Drive-Bye Exterminators. Contact Us Today.