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Did you know that the brown banded roach needs warm temperatures to survive? That may be why they love Florida so much. When seeking a nice warm area, these roaches will enter homes looking for shelter, food, and electronics. And your home may be just the place brown banded cockroaches are looking for.
Perhaps you know that fact all too well and wish you didn’t. To rid any home of brown banded roaches, there should be an understanding of the facts about these roaches.
Brown Banded Roach Facts
The Brown Banded Roach is one of the smallest invasive roaches. In the adult stage, they may only grow 11 – 14.5 mm long. They are identifiable by their small size and their coloring. In fact, they get their name from the light brown or tan bands on the wings of the adult and across the body of the nymphs.
Interesting fact… the female and male both have wings, but only the males fly.
Behavior and Habitat
The Brown Banded Roach is found in the dry and warm locations in and around your home. These places include cabinets, pantries, and closets. Additionally, they will seek the warmth f your home’s electronics and behind appliances. And they avoid water.
The cockroach is said to have a lifecycle of 130-315 days, the average being 206 days.
The Brown Banded Roach feeds on just about anything it can find. It is nocturnal but may be out in the day when searching for food. They most prefer starchy foods like book bindings, wallpaper, and pantry items containing starch.
Brown Banded Roach females lay eggs in bean-shaped cases that protrude from the body for 24 to 36 hours. And she lays 14 capsules in her lifetime, each containing up to 10 to 18 eggs. When she releases the capsule, she will attach it to the underside of furniture and the like until the eggs hatch.
The Life Cycle
The life cycle of the Brown Banded Roach is dependent mainly on the temperature and living conditions. You see, they have three stages, egg, nymph, and adult. Just how long they stay in those stages is dependent on temperature. It can take 80 to 124 days for a nymph to become mature, after which it can live for another 60 days.
With a single adult female capable of producing hundreds of babies each year, any sign of roach activity should be of concern. Infestations are difficult to deal with. So, call your local pest elimination service as soon as you spot any roach.
Are Brown Banded Roaches A Danger to Humans?
Yes, the brown banded roach is a danger to humans in more ways than one. Just listen to what the experts are saying.
According to the UF Department of Entomology,
“Domestic cockroaches such as the German cockroach and brown-banded cockroach are closely associated with humans and have the potential to adversely affect human health. According to Kramer and Brenner (2009), cockroaches are recognized as one of the most important sources of allergens, with about half of asthmatics allergic to cockroaches. Allergens from cockroaches include cast skins and excrement. Some symptoms of cockroach-induced allergies include sneezing, skin reactions, and eye irritation (Wirtz 1980).”
What’s more, they will ruin your food sources, invade your closets and cabinets, and more. Not even your furniture and walls are safe from these pests.
And then there are the illnesses they can spread. These roaches are a known vector for foodborne diseases and drug-resistant bacteria. They can be hosts for parasitic worms, and their molted skins and droppings can heighten allergies.
Getting Brown Banded Roaches Out of Your Home
Drive-Bye Exterminators pest control company provides a wide array of pest elimination services, including Brown Banded Roach eradication. Brown Banded Roaches are among the more challenging infestations to destroy of all pests. So, enlisting the help of an experienced exterminator company is the best way to get them out of your home or business.
Contact Drive-Bye Exterminators today for expert pest control in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, St. Petersburg, Largo & Tampa. Our friendly experts are waiting to solve your Brown Banded Roach problem.