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- Acrobat Ants
- American Cockroach
- American Dog Tick
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- Big Headed Ant
- Black Legged Tick
- Black Widow Spider
- Brown Banded Roach
- Brown Dog Tick
- Brown Widow Spider
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- Subterranean Termites
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- White-Footed Ant
- Wolf Spider
- Yellow Sac Spider
Abundant Argentine Ants
Did you know there are over 12,000 species of ants worldwide? It is true. No wonder it is so difficult to tell which ants are which. However, it is essential to know what type of ants you have crawling around your home and the damage they could potentially create.
That is why your Drive Bye Exterminators have added ants of all types to our Pest ID pages. Argentine ants are one of those ants you need to know about. Join Drive Bye Exterminators to learn all about those Argentine ants in this informative article- after all, they are not just located in the Argentine!
Argentine Ants Facts
Argentine Ants are light to dark brown ants. They are known to have massive colonies that include several queens. Fortunately for humans, these ants do not have stingers and do not bite people unless provoked.
Workers-1/8inches long
Queens-1/6 to1/4 inches long
Antennae: 12 segmented
The Argentine ant is an invasive species in the states originally from the Argentine and other South American countries. Through shipping crates and goods from worldwide, these ants have been transported to American soil. Unfortunately, these non-native ants will push out native varieties.
Argentine ants nest in various places. They prefer moist soil, under buildings, under boards, and along sidewalks. And they travel in trails that are fascinating to sit and watch.
Deep underground, they work together to build an extensive tunnel system stretching for miles in a single colony. And would you believe one ant colony studied in Europe stretched 4,000 miles?
Argentine Ants Diet
This variety of ant is omnivorous. These opportunistic pests will eat almost anything they find. But they prefer to dine on sweets, including honeydew and greasy foods from your kitchen. And since they are driven to eat nearly anything, they often trample through decay, waste, and feces, spreading bacteria. -Oh, and they are not welcome at picnics!
Prevent Argentine Ants in Your Home
It is essential to call a professional exterminator to deal with the situation if you suspect you have Argentina ants invading your home or place of business.
Homeowners can take care of the outside of the home in the following ways.
- Keep gutters free of build-up and debris and spouts pointed away from the foundation.
- Replace or repair leaky spigots and fixtures to keep excess water from pooling.
- Clear all debris and overgrowth from the lawn. If there are fallen trees or rotting leaves, rake them to keep the ants from extending their colonies.
- Trim all bushes and trees away from the walls of the home.
- Don’t bring firewood in until you have inspected it for ant activity.
- Seal the cracks of your home’s exterior and replace weather stripping whenever needed.
Get Rid of Argentine Ants
Obviously, keeping ants out of the home in the first place is optimal. Your local pest control experts can guide you to Argentine ant exclusion and elimination outside the home.
However, if these ants gain entry to the house, a professional should be called right away. Baits and poisons can be toxic and are only temporary solutions, causing the ants to divert their path.
Drive Bye Exterminators has the answer for pest control in your home. Ants are eradicated with our years of experience and quality products. So, you can trust your home to our Argentine ant and pest control services.
If you see Argentine ants, or any ants for that matter, in a particular area of the home, call your local pest control company before the infestation gets any worse.
Contact Drive Bye Exterminators for all your Argentine ant and pest control needs in Florida.